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How to buy me gifts

Last updated: 2024-09

You’re here because I am a swine to buy gifts for and you’ve been directed here gently by myself or a loved one. Sorry.

The short answer is: it’s easier not to buy me gifts and you should donate what you would have spent to The Patchwork Project because that is the greatest gift you can get me. I don’t value physical possessions very much, I am lucky enough to have an income that allows me to buy according to my needs, and I often like very particular things and I don’t usually communicate the details of these to others. This puts us both in an awkward position when you’ve put a lot of thought into a gift but it’s still, for whatever reason, not quite right.

If you do feel the need to get me a token gift, this page should hopefully clarify a few “safe” options.

Table of Contents

What to buy

This is a list of things I will accept as a gift.

A Charity Donation to The Patchwork Project

I am reiterating this here because I have a strong preference for this as a gift. Seriously. The Patchwork Project will put any money to better use than I will. They are the most important, most hard-working, people that I’ve ever met.

If you are a UK taxpayer please add on GiftAid during the process. This means Patchwork receive an extra 25% of your donation on top of what you give without any cost to you.

Please give what you can rather than simply a token donation. If you are donating as part of a one-off present to me, please consider donating all of the money you would spend on me on them whether that’s £2.50 or £25.

The best present you can get me is a recurring donation to Patchwork adjusted for your income and obligations (e.g. kids). We are still undergoing a cost of living crisis manufactured by a hostile and cronyist government. This affects all of us, including me and you, but it disproportionately affects those in need more; the people of Benwell and Scotswood already experience very deprived conditions and this is only worsening in this crisis.

If you can commit to a recurring donation, please adjust this upwards or downwards based on your income and obligations. The National Median Income in the UK is £30,500 per household. If you earn more than this either as a household or an individual I would kindly ask you to consider donating some more, proportionate to your income. A good rule of thumb is to donate what you would normally spend on a meal out or a takeaway for the entire household.

A list of Matt-safe token gifts

As noted, I would prefer you to give more money to Patchwork. However I understand that gift giving is an important part of our culture and you may still want to give me a token item. Thank you for your kindness. Here’s a list of “Matt-safe” gifts in a rough order of preference:

Please do not buy me these things

This section exists to explain some things which are usually common or thoughtful gifts but that I will not enjoy, so I kindly ask you not to consider buying.

The main theme of this list is that despite you being very thoughtful I have strong preferences that are simultaneously shifting over time and oddly specific. I don’t often communicate these to others so there’s no way you have been able to keep up and it’s unfair to try and expect you to. It is much easier/safer to pick something from the above list than to try navigate any of these!